synchronize motor meaning in English
- Guiding photography using equatorial mount or synchronized motor enables the photographer to capture the same number of meteors as stationary photography does . the advantage of this kind of photography is that it helps the astronomer capture the meteor s motion across the star field . this can reduce a considerable amount of calculation work and minimize subsequent errors
利用赤道式脚架,或加上同步马达所进行的追踪摄影,所拍得的流星数目与固定摄影完全相同,没有什么得益,唯一好处可直接拍得流星在恒星间之轨迹,减少了大量事后计算工作,减少误差。 - In this system , the velocity and position synchronization of the two motors is the very important thing . in this sense , the improved cross - couple control algorithm for synchronized motor control is used to emphasize synchronization between the two motors at expense of following the command absolutely . in case of synchronization for multiple motors , the real time data communication is necessary